01 octobre 2012

Pauvre Henry ! Il est malade...

Sketch : ISSC35

Mise en Page : ISSC35
Réalisation : Cat's sCrap

Ne vous inquiétez pas ! Henry est malade, mais je m'occupe de lui. Pour cette carte, j'ai suivi le sketch en ajoutant du texte. Et voilà le résultat !

Don't worry ! Henry is sick, but I take care of him. For this card, I followed the sketch by adding of the text. And here is the result !

Feutres Copic :

- Souris : C0,C1, C3, C5, R11, R20 et R22
- Couverture : Papier Sultane

Matériel :

- Papiers : Bazzill et Sultane
- Tampon : Sick Henry de Whiff Of Joy
- Mousse 3D

Challenge auquel je participe :


13 commentaires:

Andrea W a dit…

Cute image! I love the colours you used. Have a great day!

Céline a dit…

hi hi c'est trop mignon, j'adore!!!

Sue a dit…

Awww such a cute image and coloured beautifully.
I hope that Henry is better soon!!!!

hugs Sue

Cheryl a dit…

Awww, this is adorable. What a sweet looking little mouse--sure to cheer anybody up.

walchowDesign a dit…

This is so cute!

Susan Hogan a dit…

Pauve Henri indeed! Such a cute mouse - love it!

Unknown a dit…

Poor little Henry. He looks full of cold :( Wonderful card, lovely image. Well done, lou x

Being Mrs Miles a dit…

Aw, this is a DARLING little card. You colored the graphic perfectly - this will certainly cheer someone up.


Sandy a dit…

I love your creation - there is nothing better for a cat than a mouse that cannot fun! So much fun, I love visiting your blog!

Anonyme a dit…

Un prompt rétblissement qui redonne le peps ! Je suis sûre que Henri va vite se remettre sur pied.
J'espère que tu as d'autres tampons de cette petite souris...
Anne B.

Laine a dit…

Such a cute image Catherine. Love the colouring.

Vickie Z a dit…

Adorable image and wonderfully colored! Thanks for playing at I Spy!!

Tove a dit…

Such a cute little sick mouse:) Love the clean layout. The card looks really great:)

De bons résultats à l'école, ça mérite bien une p'tite carte !

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